Tcl CFFI package (v2.0.3)


  • Type the index terms you want to search for in the text input field.
  • Matching terms will be shown incrementally as you type.
  • Press Enter to navigate to the target of the first displayed index entry.
  • Alternatively, Tab to move to the index entry of interest and then press Enter to navigate to that documentation page.
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  • addressof
    WRAPPEROBJ addressof symbol
    Returns the address of a symbol from the loaded library.
  • alias
    alias subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • alias body
    alias body alias_name
    Returns the resolved body of an alias.
  • alias clear
    alias clear 
    Deletes all aliases from the interpreter
  • alias define
    alias define name definition
    alias define aliasdefs
    Defines one or more type aliases.
  • alias delete
    alias delete pattern
    Deletes aliases matching a pattern.
  • alias list
    alias list ?pattern?
    Returns a list of aliases that match the specified pattern.
  • alias load
    alias load alias_set
    Loads predefined type aliases.
  • allocate
    STRUCTOBJ allocate ?args?
    Allocates memory for one or more C structs.
  • arena
    arena subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • arena allocate
    arena allocate sizespec ?tag?
    Allocates memory in the current arena frame in the memory arena.
  • arena new
    arena new typespec initializer ?tag?
    Allocates memory in the current arena for a type and initializes it.
  • arena popframe
    arena popframe 
    Pops the current frame from the memory arena.
  • arena pushframe
    arena pushframe ?size?
    arena pushframe size ?tag?
    Pushes a new stack frame on the memory arena.
  • call
    call fnptr ?args?
    Invokes a C function through a function pointer.
  • callback
    callback subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • callback free
    callback free cb
    Frees a callback pointer
  • callback new
    callback new protoname cmdprefix error_value
    Wraps a script level command into a C function
  • constructor
    Interface create OBJNAME ?args?
    Interface new ?args?
    Defines an interface consisting of method definitions.
  • constructor
    Struct create OBJNAME definition ?args?
    Struct new definition ?args?
    Constructs a script level object that maps to a C struct definition.
  • constructor
    Union create OBJNAME definition ?args?
    Union new definition ?args?
    Constructs a script level object that maps to a C union definition.
  • constructor
    Wrapper create OBJNAME path
    Wrapper new path
    Wraps a shared library / DLL, loading it in the process.
  • decode
    UNIONOBJ decode field uvalue
    Returns a field from a native union.
  • describe
    STRUCTOBJ describe 
    Returns a human-readable description of the C struct definition.
  • describe
    UNIONOBJ describe 
    Returns a human-readable description of the C union definition.
  • destructor
    WRAPPEROBJ destroy 
    Destroys the object and releases internal resources.
  • encode
    UNIONOBJ encode field value
    Returns a union in native form with the specified field value.
  • enum
    enum subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • enum alias
    enum alias enumname enumdefs typedecl
    Defines a new enumeration and alias of the same name
  • enum clear
    enum clear 
    Deletes all enumerations from the interpreter
  • enum define
    enum define enumname enumdefs
    Defines a new enumeration.
  • enum delete
    enum delete pattern
    Deletes enumerations.
  • enum flags
    enum flags enumname membernames
    Defines an enumeration as bit flags.
  • enum list
    enum list pattern
    Lists enumerations.
  • enum mask
    enum mask enumname membernames
    Returns an integer mask formed by bitwise OR-ing the passed enumeration members
  • enum members
    enum members enumname
    Returns a dictionary containing the members in an enumeration.
  • enum name
    enum name enumname membervalue ?default?
    Returns the symbolic name of a value in an enumeration.
  • enum names
    enum names enumname
    Returns a list containing the names of members in an enumeration.
  • enum sequence
    enum sequence enumname membernames ?start?
    Defines an enumeration with consecutive member values
  • enum unmask
    enum unmask enumname mask
    Returns a list of enumeration member names corresponding to the bits set in $mask.
  • enum value
    enum value enumname membername ?default?
    Returns the value of an enumeration member
  • fieldpointer
    STRUCTOBJ fieldpointer pointer fieldname ?tag? ?index?
    Returns a pointer corresponding to the address of a field within a native structure
  • free
    STRUCTOBJ free pointer
    Frees memory that was allocated for a native C struct.
  • frombinary
    STRUCTOBJ frombinary bin_value
    Decodes a Tcl binary string containing a native C struct into a Tcl dictionary.
  • fromnative
    STRUCTOBJ fromnative pointer ?index?
    Decodes native C struct(s) in memory into a Tcl dictionary.
  • fromnative!
    STRUCTOBJ fromnative! pointer ?index?
    Decodes native C struct(s) in memory into a Tcl dictionary.
  • function
    WRAPPEROBJ function fnname fntype parameters
    Creates a Tcl command to invoke a C function in the loaded library.
  • functions
    WRAPPEROBJ functions fnlist ?args?
    Creates Tcl commands for multiple C functions within the loaded library.
  • getnative
    STRUCTOBJ getnative pointer fieldname ?index?
    Returns the value of a field in a native structure in memory
  • getnative!
    STRUCTOBJ getnative! pointer fieldname ?index?
    Returns the value of a field in a native structure in memory
  • getnativefields
    STRUCTOBJ getnativefields pointer fieldnames ?index?
    Retrieve values of multiple fields from a native struct in memory.
  • getnativefields!
    STRUCTOBJ getnativefields! pointer fieldnames ?index?
    Retrieve values of multiple fields from a native struct in memory.
  • help
    help subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • help alias
    help alias NAME
    Returns a string describing an alias definition.
  • help enum
    help enum NAME
    Returns a string describing an enum definition.
  • help function
    help function NAME
    Returns a string describing the syntax and parameter definitions for a CFFI wrapped function.
  • help functions
    help functions ?PATTERN?
    Returns a list of CFFI-wrapped functions matching the pattern PATTERN.
  • help struct
    help struct NAME
    Returns a string describing field types in a Struct.
  • help union
    help union NAME
    Returns a string describing field types in a Union.
  • id
    Returns the id for the interface as passed via the -id option in the interface definition.
  • info
    STRUCTOBJ info ?args?
    Returns a dictionary containing information about the struct layout
  • info
    UNIONOBJ info 
    Returns a dictionary containing information about the info layout
  • Interface ::cffi
  • limits
    limits type
    Get the lower and upper limits for an integral base type
  • memory
    memory subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • memory allocate
    memory allocate sizespec ?tag?
    Allocates memory of the specified size
  • memory fill
    memory fill pointer bytevalue count ?offset?
    Fills memory with a specified value
  • memory free
    memory free pointer
    Frees the memory referenced by the passed pointer
  • memory frombinary
    memory frombinary bin_value ?tag?
    Allocates memory and copied the passed Tcl binary string into it.
  • memory fromstring
    memory fromstring value ?encoding?
    Allocates memory and stores a Tcl string in it in the specified encoding.
  • memory fromunistring
    memory fromunistring value
    Allocates memory and stores a Tcl string as a sequence of Tcl_UniChars.
  • memory fromwinstring
    memory fromwinstring value
    Allocates memory and stores a Tcl string as a sequence of winchars.
  • memory get
    memory get pointer typespec ?index?
    Converts a native value in memory into a Tcl script level value
  • memory get!
    memory get! pointer typespec ?index?
    Converts a native value in memory into a Tcl script level value
  • memory new
    memory new typespec initializer ?tag?
    Allocates memory for a type and initializes it.
  • memory set
    memory set pointer typespec value ?index?
    Converts a value as per a type specification and stores it in memory in native form
  • memory set!
    memory set! pointer typespec value ?index?
    Converts a value as per a type specification and stores it in memory in native form
  • memory tobinary
    memory tobinary pointer size ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block as a Tcl binary string.
  • memory tobinary!
    memory tobinary! pointer size ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block as a Tcl binary string.
  • memory tostring
    memory tostring pointer ?encoding? ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block as a Tcl string.
  • memory tostring!
    memory tostring! pointer ?encoding? ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block as a Tcl string.
  • memory tounistring
    memory tounistring pointer ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block containing a nul-terminated sequence of Tcl_UniChars as a Tcl string.
  • memory tounistring!
    memory tounistring! pointer ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block containing a nul-terminated sequence of Tcl_UniChars as a Tcl string.
  • memory towinstring
    memory towinstring pointer ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block containing a nul-terminated sequence of winchars as a Tcl string.
  • memory towinstring!
    memory towinstring! pointer ?offset?
    Returns the content of a memory block containing a nul-terminated sequence of winchars as a Tcl string.
  • methods
    INTERFACEOBJ methods methodlist ?args?
    Creates Tcl commands wrapping the C functions comprising an interface.
  • name
    STRUCTOBJ name 
    Returns the name of the struct.
  • name
    UNIONOBJ name 
    Returns the name of the struct.
  • new
    STRUCTOBJ new ?initval?
    Allocates and initializes a native struct in memory.
  • path
    WRAPPEROBJ path 
    Returns the file system path for the wrapped library or image wrapped by the object.
  • pkgconfig
    pkgconfig subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • pkgconfig get
    pkgconfig get key
    Gets the value of a configuration key.
  • pkgconfig list
    pkgconfig list 
    Returns the list of keys containing information about the package configuration.
  • pointer
    pointer subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • pointer address
    pointer address pointer
    Returns the address component of the pointer.
  • pointer cast
    pointer cast pointer ?TAG?
    Casts a pointer to a new tag.
  • pointer castable
    pointer castable subtags supertag
    Specifies that pointers with tag $subtag are acceptable in declarations that require $supertag.
  • pointer castables
    pointer castables 
    Returns a list of tags that have been marked as castable with the pointer castable command..
  • pointer check
    pointer check pointer
    Validates a pointer and raise an exception if invalid.
  • pointer compare
    pointer compare ptr1 ptr2
    Compares if two pointers are the same
  • pointer counted
    pointer counted pointer
    Registers a pointer as a counted pointer
  • pointer dispose
    pointer dispose pointer
    Unregisters a safe or counted pointer
  • pointer info
    pointer info pointer
    Returns a dictionary containing registration information about a pointer.
  • pointer invalidate
    pointer invalidate pointer
    Unregisters a safe, counted or pinned pointer irrespective its reference count.
  • pointer isnull
    pointer isnull pointer
    Returns true if the pointer is a NULL pointer, false otherwise.
  • pointer isvalid
    pointer isvalid pointer
    Validates a pointer.
  • pointer list
    pointer list ?tag?
    Returns a list of registered pointers optionally filtered by a tag.
  • pointer make
    pointer make address ?tag?
    Return a pointer for a memory address.
  • pointer pin
    pointer pin pointer
    Pins a pointer as permanently safe.
  • pointer safe
    pointer safe pointer
    Registers a pointer as a safe uncounted pointer.
  • pointer tag
    pointer tag pointer
    Returns the pointer tag
  • pointer uncastable
    pointer uncastable tag
    Makes pointers with the specified tag uncastable to another type
  • prototype
    prototype subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • prototype delete
    prototype delete pattern
    Deletes prototypes matching a pattern.
  • prototype function
    prototype function name fntype parameters
    Defines a function prototype for calling a function using the default C calling convention.
  • prototype list
    prototype list ?pattern?
    Returns a list of prototypes matching the specified pattern.
  • prototype stdcall
    prototype stdcall name fntype parameters
    Defines a function prototype for calling a function using the stdcall calling convention.
  • savederrors
    Return errno and GetLastError() values from the last CFFI call annotated with saveerrors.
  • setnative
    STRUCTOBJ setnative pointer fieldname value ?index?
    Sets the value of a field in a native structure in memory
  • setnative!
    STRUCTOBJ setnative! pointer fieldname value ?index?
    Sets the value of a field in a native structure in memory
  • size
    STRUCTOBJ size ?args?
    Returns the size of the struct.
  • size
    UNIONOBJ size 
    Returns the size of the union.
  • stdcall
    WRAPPEROBJ stdcall fnname fntype parameters
    Creates a Tcl command to invoke a C function that uses the __stdcall calling convention from the loaded library..
  • stdcalls
    WRAPPEROBJ stdcalls fnlist ?args?
    Creates Tcl commands for multiple C functions within the loaded library that all use the __stdcall calling convention.
  • stdmethods
    INTERFACEOBJ stdmethods methodlist ?args?
    Creates Tcl commands corresponding to the C functions comprising an interface.
  • Struct ::cffi
  • tobinary
    STRUCTOBJ tobinary dict_value
    Encodes the Tcl representation of a C struct value into a Tcl binary string.
  • tonative
    STRUCTOBJ tonative pointer initializer ?index?
    Writes the Tcl dictionary representation of a C struct value to memory in native form.
  • tonative!
    STRUCTOBJ tonative! pointer initializer ?index?
    Writes the Tcl dictionary representation of a C struct value to memory in native form.
  • type
    type subcommand ...
    A command ensemble.
  • type count
    type count type
    Returns the count of elements in an array type
  • type frombinary
    type frombinary typespec value
    Converts the native binary value to its script level representation.
  • type info
    type info typedecl ?args?
    Returns a dictionary containing various information about a type declaration
  • type size
    type size type ?args?
    Returns the size of a type in terms of the number of bytes of memory occupied by that type.
  • type tobinary
    type tobinary typespec value
    Converts a script level value to a native representation.
  • Union ::cffi
  • Wrapper ::cffi